Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: The Red Eyes You Get in a Pool Are From People Peeing in the Water

Here’s a story about pee and burning that isn’t related to the terrible decisions you made…

The CDC just released a statement on why you sometimes get red, itchy, or burning eyes when you go swimming in a pool. We all assumed for years that it was a reaction to the chlorine, right? Nope.

It’s actually because of all the people peeing in the water.

It turns out that chlorine binds itself with the bacteria it’s trying to kill . . . and that includes all the bacteria in your pee and your sweat. Those chemical bonds are irritants that can sting your eyes.

There’s really nothing you can do to avoid it . . . but you can be part of the solution by showering before you swim. And, you know, having the basic human decency not to pee in a pool.
