Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: The Five-Second Rule for Dropped Food Might Just Be True . . . At Least When It Comes to Junk Food

You know the five-second rule? It’s the old myth that if you drop a piece of food on the floor, it’s safe to eat as long as you pick it up in five seconds. Some people call it the three-second rule, but the idea’s the same.

Well . . . according to a new study, in some cases, it’s true.

If you drop something healthy on the floor, like a piece of fruit or some lean chicken, you probably shouldn’t eat it even if you grab it quickly. But if you drop bacon or chocolate, go ahead and eat away.

The study out of Manchester Metropolitan University in England found that foods with high salt or sugar levels are safer to eat after being dropped on the floor than healthier items. Bacteria have less of a chance of surviving on junk food.

But in general, the five-second rule . . . along with its cousins, the three-second rule and the ten-second rule . . . probably isn’t the best idea.

The researchers did find trace levels of E. coli on a lot of the stuff they dropped, even after just a few seconds. (–Sounds like they need to mop their floor.)
