Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: Tennessee Is One Of The Most Dangerous States

A new study ranked all 50 states from safest to most dangerous, and we like their results . . . because they didn’t just base it on crime rates. This is some thorough stuff right here.

They also used criteria like car accidents, work injuries, disease rates, the number of major natural disasters in the past decade, the number of cops and firefighters, and suicide rates.

And based on all of that, the safest state in the country is . . . Vermont.

The 10 safest states are Vermont . . . Massachusetts . . . New Hampshire . . . Rhode Island . . . Maine . . . Connecticut . . . Minnesota . . . Virginia . . . Utah . . . and Iowa.

And the most dangerous state in the country is . . . Mississippi.

The 10 most dangerous states are Mississippi . . . Oklahoma . . . Alaska . . . New Mexico . . . Tennessee . . . South Carolina . . . Louisiana . . . Arkansas . . . Nevada . . . and Missouri.

Source: WalletHub