Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: Six Things You Didn’t Know About Passing Gas

According to a list of ‘Facts You Don’t Know About Passing Gas,’ there are seven animals way more gassy than us: Termites, camels, zebra, sheep, cows, elephants, and dogs. Check out six other stats . . .

1. The average person releases gas 14 times per day . . . or 17 quadrillion times over the course of your life. And vegetarians do it more than the rest of us.

2. That’s about 16 ounces of gas each day . . . or two cans of Coke.

3. 99% of it is odorless. It’s just the 1% from sulfur bi-products you have to worry about . . . a.k.a., hydrogen sulfide.

4. Women do it as much as men. No matter how much it may seem different, women are just as gassy, and release the same amount.

5. It travels at 10 feet per second. Remember that the next time you try to crop-dust in some discreet away. Not gonna happen.

6. You do it even after you die. Dead bodies have been known to release gas that way for up to three hours after death.


