Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: How Much Do You Know About Going Number Two? Try This Quiz

For as much time as we spend camping out on the toilet, it’s amazing we’re not experts on the fine art of feces.

WebMD just put up a quiz about pooping, and it’s a lot harder than it sounds. The quiz, not your poop. Hopefully. Anyway, here are five questions, see if you can get ’em . . .

1. Your poop should always be an S-shape, true or false? False.

2. Toxins can build up in your body if you don’t poop daily, true or false? False, but you’re considered constipated if you do it less than three times a week.

3. How long does it take something you ate to come out? One to three days.

4. Only brown poop is healthy. False, lots of colors are fine . . . but black, white, gray, or red might be a sign you should go to a doctor.

5. How often does the average person pass gas in a day? 14 times.

Take the whole quiz… Click Here.
