Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: How Many Days Into a Relationship Do You Say “I Love You”

Is your relationship totally average? Which we mean in the best possible way. Here’s how to find out . . .

A new study by found the number of days into a relationship when the average couple hits 10 major milestones. Check ’em out . . .

1. The first kiss happens after one day. And sex happens within 31 days.

2. Saying “I love you” happens after 144 days . . . that’s just under five months.

3. Updating your relationship status on Facebook happens after 157 days, or just over five months.

4. You meet their parents after 170 days, or about six months.

5. Your first argument also happens around 170 days in. And no, we don’t think that’s a coincidence.

6. The first overnight trip happens after about seven months.

7. The first vacation together happens after 10 months.

8. You get engaged after 743 days, or just over two years.

9. You get married after 1,190 days, or a few months into your third year.

10. And you have your first child at 1,422 days, or right around four years.
