Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: Five Ways We Avoid a Cold When Our Significant Other Is Sick

A recent survey asked people how far they’re willing to go to avoid getting sick . . .

55% said they’ve used hand sanitizer after shaking someone’s hand . . . 35% have opened a door knob with their sleeve . . . 25% have actually asked someone who’s sick to stay away from them . . . and 6% have worn a medical mask in public.

The survey also asked people how they prevent their significant other from getting them sick. Here are the top five answers . . .

1. 54% said they avoid kissing them if they’re sick.

2. 39% avoid sex . . . so 61% don’t?

3. 31% wash their hands more often.

4. 17% would cancel a date, so they didn’t have to deal with it.

5. 16% avoid sleeping in the same bed together.

The survey also found 66% of us would give up social media or alcohol to avoid getting sick. But it doesn’t say how long you’d have to give it up for.


USA Today
