Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: Eight Bizarre “Star Wars” Products You Can Buy on Etsy

It’s “Star Wars”.  All day, every day, all over the world.  Okay, maybe not in Syria, but everywhere else.  See just how ridiculous it’s getting with this list of “Star Wars” products you can actually buy on Etsy . . .

1.  A Princess Leia bun hat . . . for your CAT.  $22

2.  A Princess Leia costume for your BEARDED DRAGON.  $13

3.  A knit Yoda hat for your baby.  $34.95

4.  A tank top of a shirtless Stormtrooper pumping iron.  $13.99

5.  RD-D2 and C-3PO nipple pasties.  $20

6.  A Stormtrooper action figure with a Barbie Doll head.  $450

7.  A violin shaped like the Millennium Falcon.  $700

8.  A watercolor painting of a Lego Stormtrooper at the bottom of a coffee cup.  $500


Check out 22 more items here.
