Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: A Woman Leaves Her Car Running So Her Dogs Can Stay Cool . . . and They Crash It Into a Walmart

I applaud this woman for taking steps to make sure her dogs didn’t die in a hot car. And I applaud these dogs for thanking her in such a perfect way.

A woman who’s in her late 70s went to a Walmart in Wayne, West Virginia on Friday with her two dogs in the car. She left the car running while she went inside so her dogs could stay cool with the air conditioning.

But one of the dogs managed to shift it into drive . . . and the car plowed STRAIGHT into Walmart. Then the other dog rolled down one of the windows. This needs to be a circus act.

Fortunately, no one was hurt, the dogs were okay, and there wasn’t much damage to the car or the building since the dogs were going really slowly when they hit it.

The woman was able to drive the car home and she’s not going to be facing any charges.
