Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: A Survey Finds the “Perfect Man” is Six Feet Tall, Makes $76,000-a-Year, Eats Meat, Loves Shopping, and Calls His Mom

And now, a survey to make you feel completely inadequate. A clothing company called Austin Reed surveyed 2,000 women to figure out the qualities that make up the “perfect man.” See how many of these 26 criteria you meet . . .

Physical. Six feet tall. Muscularly toned and athletic. Brown eyes. Short dark hair. Smooth chest. Clean shaven. Good fashion sense, but gets ready in 17 minutes or less. Wears jeans and a v-neck sweater.

Habits. Non-smoker. Prefers beer over wine or cocktails. Admits when he looks at other women. Eats meat.

Education, Career, Money. College degree. Earns more than you . . . approximately $76,000-a-year. Drives an Audi.

Hobbies. Loves shopping. Watches football. Can swim and ride a bike. Knows how to change a tire. Has a driver’s license. Likes dramas and reality shows.

Other Emotional Stuff. Calls his mom twice a week. Says “I love you” only when he means it. Is sensitive when you’re upset. Has a good sense of humor. Wants a family.
