Monday, May 13, 2024
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: A Man Was So Mad at a Verizon Worker That He Locked Him in an Underground Vault

I can think of a lot of reasons why people would be furious with Verizon and want to get revenge on them. So I’m disappointed that the guy who actually did picked one of the lamest reasons possible.

A Verizon employee named Michael Hathaway was doing some work in an underground vault in Westborough, Massachusetts back in August of 2013.

The vault was right next to a self-storage business that’s owned by a 73-year-old guy named Howard Cook Jr. And Michael parked his truck on Howard’s grass.

Well, you know there’s nothing that makes an old man angrier than someone on his lawn. And Howard was SO furious that he shut the lid to the VAULT to trap Michael inside. He also put rocks on top to make sure he was sealed in.

And the vault’s ventilation system turns off when the lid closes, so Michael was trapped without air. Fortunately his Verizon cell phone worked down there, and he called for help.

Howard just pleaded guilty to kidnapping, and got one year of probation and anger management classes.
