Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: A Guy Thought There Was a Bomb on His Car . . . Turns Out It’s a GPS Tracker His Wife Put There

A guy in Leeds, England was about to head to work last week, when he saw a suspicious device strapped to the bottom of his car. So he called the cops, because he thought it might be a bomb!!

He’s a military veteran, so he and the cops both agreed it was possible that a terrorist might target him.

The bomb squad rushed to his house, and started making plans to evacuate all the schools and houses nearby.

But right before they could start getting people out, they figured out what the device really was.

It turns out it was a GPS tracker that the guy’s wife had secretly put on his car, to monitor him.

The cops didn’t say why she wanted to track him. And as far as we know, no charges have been filed.
