Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: A Farmer Has Found a Way to Grow Pumpkins That Look Just Like Frankenstein’s Monster

frankenpumpkinInstead of carving a pumpkin like a sucker this year, just let creepy agricultural engineering take care of things for you.

Tony Dighera is a farmer in Fillmore, California, and he figured out a way to grow pumpkins in a mold that makes them look just like Frankenstein’s monster. They’re tall, narrow, and have the monster face molded right into them.

It took him four years and $500,000 to get these pumpkins right. They’re sold out on his website right now but grocery stores around the world are importing them . . . if your grocery store has them, expect to pay at least $100 each.

Tony is working on a new mold now for pumpkins that look like a Jolly Roger-type pirate . . . those will be on sale next Halloween.
