Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: A Dunkin’ Donuts Manager Dropped a Tray of Donuts on the Floor . . . Then Put Them Back

When you eat fast food, you have to suspend disbelief and say, “This food magically appeared in front of me. It didn’t have a long, disgusting journey leading up to this moment.” But stories like this make it so hard.

A former Dunkin’ Donuts employee from Mendon, Massachusetts just posted a surveillance video on Facebook.

It’s from last November, and it shows his manager dropping an entire tray of donuts on the floor . . . waiting a little bit . . . then putting them back into the case for sale.

Dunkin’ Donuts released a statement about the video. Quote, “The franchisee . . . investigated the matter and met with the employee to discuss the fact that the donuts should have been immediately disposed of.”

Translation: Somehow, she wasn’t fired.
