Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: A Dad Got a Tattoo to Match His Son’s Brain Surgery Scar

An eight-year-old kid in Kansas named Gabriel Marshall was diagnosed with a rare form of brain cancer last year, and surgeons were able to remove most of the tumor. But it left him with a nasty S-shaped scar on the side of his head.

And now a photo of him with his dad John is going viral . . . because John got a tattoo on the side of his head to match his son’s scar.

BBD-Josh-MarshallHe says Gabriel was really self-conscious after the surgery, and thought the scar made him feel “like a monster.” So he got the tattoo to boost Gabriel’s self-esteem and show him it’s no big deal.

Then he entered a contest earlier this year called “Best Bald Dad,” where guys shave their heads to support their kids while they’re going through chemo. And he was just named the winner on Sunday.

He posted about it on Facebook, and made it a point to say he’s no better than any of the other dads who entered. And they’d all do anything to help their kids.

By the way, Gabriel is doing better since his surgery. His dad says he loves the tattoo, and tells everyone they’re like twins now.

There’s still a small portion of the tumor that the doctors couldn’t get to. But Gabriel’s been having MRI’s every three months, and so far it hasn’t gotten any bigger.
