Saturday, March 15, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: 70% of Us Would Rather Watch Football at Home Than Go to the Game . . . Plus the Celebrity We’d Most Like to Watch With

NFL football starts tonight when the Steelers take on the Patriots. And according to a new survey, most of us would prefer to watch it from our couch than actually go to the game.

70% of football fans said they’d rather have friends over to watch a game than actually go to a game with them. Here are five more random stats from the survey . . .

1. 25% of fans said they have friends over to tailgate before a game at least four times a year.

2. 30% said if they could upgrade one thing for football season, it would be their grill . . . because apparently everyone already has a huge TV at this point.

3. The celebrity we’d most like to invite over for football is Will Ferrell, who got 57% of the vote. It’s not clear who the other choices were though.

4. If we could talk football with anyone during a game, it would be our Dad, who got 34% of the vote. Followed by Mike Ditka with 24%.

5. One-third of fans say they go on social media during halftime, compared to 23% who claim they still go outside to throw a football around.
