Apparently we could ALL get incredible new jobs . . . it would just take a tiny bit of extra effort when we apply. But I don’t know . . . even a tiny bit of effort really goes against my “lazy or die” philosophy. So I’m probably out.
A new survey found the top five mistakes people make when they apply for jobs, and all of them seem like they’d be pretty easy to fix. Check ’em out . . .
1. 84% of people don’t find out the name of the person doing the hiring and personalize their email to them.
2. 57% don’t send a thank you note after an interview . . . not even an email.
3. 54% don’t customize their resume based on the job they’re applying for.
4. 45% don’t include a cover letter.
5. And 37% don’t follow up after they send in their application, which would help them stand out.