Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Happening Now

Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: A Truck Crashed Into a Psychic’s House . . . She Says She Knew It Was Coming

67-year-old Rachel Williams is a psychic who works out of her house in Anaheim, California.

And around 4:30 P.M. on Friday, a guy in a pickup truck lost control and plowed through the side of her house.

She was hit by some debris and had to go to the hospital, but she’ll be okay. And her son was in the room where the truck hit too, but he wasn’t hurt.

And Rachel says that she wasn’t surprised by the truck hitting her house for two reasons. One, it’s the third time someone’s done that. And two, she had a vision of it coming.

Quote, “Yes, I knew it. I didn’t know what time, but I had that spiritual feeling.”

She also told the cops she had another psychic feeling . . . that the driver was drunk. So now they’re investigating to see whether that was true.


Dailey Bailey: The Ten Most American Foods . . . According to Foreigners

People always say “there’s no such thing as American food,” because we just steal stuff from other countries. So not fair to our original creations, like chicken fried steak or fried Twinkies. But the criticism persists.

People from other countries are having a debate on about the most “American” foods. Here are their 10 most popular picks . . .

1. A burger and fries with a large Coke.

2. Pop Tarts.

3. Buffalo wings.

4. Dr. Pepper.

5. Corn dogs.

6. Fried chicken and waffles.

7. Sloppy Joes.

8. Barbecue food, including ribs and hot dogs.

9. Pepperoni. No other countries really eat it, especially not Italy.

10. Meat loaf.




Dailey Bailey: A Woman Takes Out a Newspaper Ad Congratulating Her Husband on His New Baby . . . That He’s Expecting With His Mistress

Say what you will about the death of the newspaper, but there’s just something more permanent about seeing something in print compared to seeing it on Craigslist.

There’s an ad circulating around from a newspaper in east Texas right now that’s just brilliant. (I couldn’t find which specific newspaper ran it.)

The ad says, quote, “I would like to say congratulations to Shara Cormier and Patrick Brown. They are expecting a baby. Hope you both are really in love and I hope it works out. Always, Patrick’s wife, Timeshia Brown.”

We don’t have any more back story here . . . but really, if you want to get revenge on a cheating husband, it’s hard to argue with a move like this.

baby ad


Dailey Bailey: What’s Something You Do Every Day That’s Socially Unacceptable?

Hey, you’re not perfect. It’s okay, we don’t judge. There’s probably something you do all the time that’s not perfect etiquette or socially acceptable behavior . . . and that’s fine. So let us know what it is.

Here are the top 10 socially unacceptable things people do every day.

1. Pick food out of your teeth with your fingers.

2. Pee sitting down, as a man.

3. Pick your nose.

4. Scratch your butt, then secretly sniff it while you pretend to scratch your nose.

5. Put your elbows on the table.

6. Pass gas whenever you feel it coming.

7. Wear sweatpants out to dinner.

8. Take one bite out of a piece of pizza or cake then put it back in the refrigerator.

9. Sit at home, alone, doing nothing. It feels like you’re always supposed to be doing SOMETHING now . . . you can just sit there, sort of watching TV.

10. Pee in the shower. It’s so much faster.



Dailey Bailey: A 17-Year-Old Bought Valentine’s Day Flowers For All 900 Girls at His School

17-year-old Hayden Godfrey is a student at Sky View High School in Smithfield, Utah. And he just pulled one heck of a stunt for Valentine’s Day.

He bought a flower for every single girl in his school. All 900 of them.

He bought a carnation for each one of them . . . it set him back $450. He said he’s been working on the plan for months.

Bet you may not feel as great about what you did for your Valentine now….

Here’s Hayden describing why he did it: “I firmly believe no girl should feel excluded on Valentine’s Day. If it was up to me, Valentine’s wouldn’t be a day about couples, but a day about loving your fellow human beings.”

He also posted photos of the flowers on Facebook, with this caption: “I don’t think anything can compare to seeing every girl in your life holding a flower as they walk through the halls.”

Hayden says he’s gotten “tons” of messages from girls since he gave out the flowers . . . but he actually has a girlfriend, and she approved the stunt.

teen flowers


Dailey Bailey: The Most Common Way Office Romances Start, And Six Stats About Dating Coworkers

Career Builder just released its annual survey on office romances. And if you’re alone this Valentine’s Day, you might want to think about staying late tonight . . . because it’s the most common way relationships at work start.

12% of people who’ve dated a coworker say it started because of a late night at work. Having drinks after work, and running into each other outside of work tied for second with 10% . . . lunch was third with 9% . . . and another 9% said it was love at first sight.

Here are six more stats from the survey . . .

1. 37% of us have dated a coworker at least once.

2. 33% of office romances eventually lead to marriage. Which seems high, but they asked the same question last year, and it was 30%.

3. 23% of people who’ve dated a coworker say it was someone in a higher position than them.

4. 33% had to keep their relationship secret.

5. 17% of office relationships involve someone who’s already married.

6. And 5% of people who’ve dated a coworker had to leave their job because of it.


Dailey Bailey: If a Guy Buys You a Cheap Valentine’s Day Gift, It’s a Sign He Really Loves You?

Warning: This story is going to take you on a roller coaster of emotions.

A new study found if a guy buys you a cheap Valentine’s Day gift . . . like a cheap box of chocolates or some cubic zirconia earrings . . . it’s actually a sign he’s really into you.

That’s a silver lining, right? I mean, you’re getting a cheap gift but much more valuable real love. But slow down. Here’s the real reasoning behind it.

Since he feels so close to you, he thinks of the two of you as a partnership, and picked a gift that also is good for him. In other words, he went cheap because it was win-win: You still got a decent gift, he saved money.

Or he might’ve bought the cheaper chocolates because there were a lot more of them than a tiny box of boutique chocolates . . . so he knows he’s going to get to eat some.

Anyway, if you get a surprisingly mediocre gift this Valentine’s Day, just know deep down it’s because his feelings are strong. That’s great. But I’m guessing you might just rather have a real diamond.

Eurekalert / Daily Mail


Dailey Bailey: Here’s How to Make Roses Out of Doritos For Valentine’s Day

Anyone can get their lady roses for Valentine’s Day.  But if you really want to impress her, why not give her Doritos roses.  Seriously.

Doritos actually gave away free bouquets of flowers made out of Doritos on their website.  Unfortunately it was only in Canada, and they were all snapped up already.  But you can make your own.  Even if you’re not that crafty.

Just buy some fake plastic roses, take off the petals, and glue some of the curlier Doritos from a bag in their place.  There’s even a step-by-step guide to making them . . .

dorito rose instructions

The only downside is that you can’t eat them, because of the glue.  But they’ll make for a great Instagram post.  And isn’t that all she really wants?
