Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Happening Now

Jason Bailey

Dailey Bailey: A Woman Broke Up With Her Fiance After Spotting Him on Google Maps With Another Woman

This is the first time we’ve heard about someone caught cheating by Google MAPS.

24-year-old Marina Voinova of Perm, Russia was looking up an address on a website called Yandex Maps, which is an alternative to Google Maps in Russia.

But there’s one KEY difference. If the Google Maps street view cameras get a shot of you, they automatically blur your face. Yandex Maps doesn’t blur faces in street view.

And Marina spotted her fiancé, Alexander, on the map . . . with his arms around another woman.

She confronted him, and he admitted he’d been cheating on her. He apologized and swore it didn’t mean anything . . . but Marina had already made up her mind that she was dumping him.

Marina says, quote, “At first I regretted searching for that address on the Internet, but eventually realized that it was silly to blame the Web for my boyfriend’s unfaithfulness.”


Dailey Bailey: A Woman Threatens to Stab Someone With a Fork During a Fight at a Buffet

Never get in the way of an American at a buffet.

buffet stabber41-year-old Davina Cutchall was at a buffet restaurant in Gainesville, Florida last week, when she started yelling swear words at someone across the room. So a woman asked her to stop doing it in front of her son.

And in response, Davina grabbed her fork and made stabbing motions with it as she walked toward the other woman.

Then a guy tried to get in between them before Davina could actually stab the woman with the fork . . . and Davina threw a soda in his face.

The other woman threw a bowl of ketchup at her and ran away.

And Davina was arrested for aggravated assault.


Dailey Bailey: Please Reject This Trend . . . Are Pantyhose for Men the New Big Thing?

If you’re not Superman, Robin Hood, or a lead in “Swan Lake”, then you need to reject this trend. According to horrifying new reports, the latest fashion trend is . . . Pantyhose fro men!!!!

And to make it worse, the reports call them “mantyhose” or “brosiery” . . . two words that are so corny, just hearing them made me slightly nauseous.

There’s an Italian fashion company called Emilio Cavallini that’s pushing hard on this pantyhose-for-men trend. They’ve been selling them for almost three years, but they only started catching on recently . . . and now men make up 2-to-3% of sales.

A rep said that men wear the tights under pants for warmth . . . but some of the tights with more noticeable patterns, like skulls or stars, are put on full display underneath shorts.


Dailey Bailey: The Ten Things Men Own That Women Love to Throw Away

Guys, if you went into your girlfriend or wife’s closet and threw out all the stuff you didn’t like, how do you think she’d react? She’d kill you in your sleep, right? But apparently throwing out your clothes is something women do all the time.

According to a recent survey, here are the top ten things men own that women love to throw away.

1. Clothes. As in, she goes through your closet and throws out your favorite t-shirts just because they have a few HOLES in them.

2. Magazine collections. Although, if you’re holding onto old porno mags, it’s probably time to modernize your smut-watching anyway.

3. Old hobby stuff, like model airplanes.

4. Old CDs and DVDs she doesn’t like.

5. Your sofa when you first move in together, because her sofa is nicer . . . even though it’s not nearly as comfortable.

6. Sports memorabilia.

7. Artwork she doesn’t like.

8. Your ripped-up, old computer chair.

9. Your sound system, because it takes up too much space.

10. Weights or any fitness equipment you never use.


Dailey Bailey: [Audio] A Woman Called 911 Because a Restaurant Didn’t Properly Cook Her Waffles

The Tampa police say this was abuse of 911 . . . but I disagree. It’s totally reasonable use of 911 . . . and abuse of delicious waffles.

The Tampa police just released a recording of a woman calling 911 last month . . . to report she’d been served undercooked waffles.

The woman was eating at a Village Inn . . . if you don’t know the chain, it’s like Denny’s or IHOP. They served her, quote, “some raw waffles” . . . then refused to take them off the bill. So she called 911 to sort it out.

The 911 dispatcher handled the entire thing pretty well, and even sent a cop out there. But there’s no word on how things turned out.

The reason the police released the call was as an example of something not worth calling 911 over . . . you should call the police non-emergency number over things like raw waffles.


Dailey Bailey: Eight Bad Things That Happen From Sitting Down All Day

You’ve probably seen people with those desks that let you work while you’re standing up. And maybe you thought they were freaks. But you might be joining them, after you hear some of these negative health effects from sitting down all day at work.

1. Leaky veins. Sitting all day keeps the veins in your legs under high pressure all the time, because blood tends to pool there.

And that causes proteins and fluids to leak out into the surrounding tissue, which causes leg ulcers and all kinds of other problems.

2. High blood sugar. If you’re not moving, your muscles aren’t working. That makes them less effective at absorbing glucose from the blood, and more insulin resistant . . . which can eventually lead to type 2 diabetes.

3. Constipation. Long sedentary periods tend to reduce the amount of contractions in your gut . . . so the stuff that’s in there just stays there.

4. Headaches. Slumping all day at a desk puts strain on your neck muscles. And it can affect the nerves in your neck and face too.

5. Bad knees. Sitting all day makes your leg muscles weaker . . . and that means they’re not available to take stress off your knee joints.

6. Brain fog. You need to move your muscles for good circulation. If blood isn’t flowing in your body, it’s not getting to your brain either. And then you don’t think as clearly.

7. Colon cancer. A study in Australia found that people who spent more than ten years in sedentary jobs were much more likely to develop colon cancer . . . even if they exercised regularly during their free time.

8. Slipped discs. If your spine stays still all day, the discs between your vertebrae are constantly under pressure, which makes them slip out more easily after sudden movements.


Dailey Bailey: Four Ways You Might Be Wasting Money

“Forbes” magazine recently posted something on ways young people waste money. But a lot of them apply to everyone. They’re pretty obvious, but here are the top four.

1. Renting a place you can’t afford. The general rule is you shouldn’t spend more than 30% of your budget on rent. But a lot of people think they should have a sweet place anyway, even if they just got their first entry-level job.

2. Mindless spending on little things. Like getting Starbucks every morning, or going to Wal-Mart to buy one thing, and buying five other things you don’t really need.

3. Being lazy. Like when you get home from work and decide you’re too tired to cook, so you order food and end up spending 20 bucks. Which adds up really fast if you do it two or three times a week.

4. Paying for things you want, but don’t need. Like $15 a month for HBO, so you can watch the new “Game of Thrones” season that’s still two months away . . . or $100 a year for Amazon Prime, just so you can buy more stuff you probably don’t need.


Dailey Bailey: Quiz – What Percent Adult Are You?

Do you ever feel like you suck at being a grownup? Well, now you can find out exactly how much (or little) of an adult you really are thanks to Buzzfeed’s new quiz, “What Percent Adult Are You?”

All you have to do is answer five questions about your favorite food, color, word, dog, and number. Based on your answers, you might find out you qualify as “mostly an adult” (65 percent), “all responsible and independent” (100 percent) or “a bit of an adult, but mostly a kid” (35 percent).

Here’s what I got:

I know this is shocking to some of you!

Posted by Jason Bailey on Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Take The Quiz Here!
