Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Happening Now

Breaking: Women Remember – Men Forget

Guys, the next time you forget an anniversary or your wife’s birthday, just tell her this . . . and then get ready to sleep on the couch:  You’re biologically predisposed to forget stuff.

Last year, a study of 37,000 people in Norway found that men DO tend to be more forgetful than women, regardless of age.  It’s still not clear why that’s the case, but here are three more weird benefits of being a woman.

1.  Women have a better sense of smell.  A recent study found that women have up to 50% more cells in their olfactory bulb, which is the part of your brain that tells you what stuff smells like.  It’s not clear why, but one theory is it’s to detect pheromones.



2.  Women are less likely to become alcoholics.  It might have to do with the feel-good hormone dopamine.  A recent study found that when men drink, they produce more dopamine than women in part of the brain associated with addiction.



3.  Women are less likely to gain belly fat.  And that’s not just good for self-esteem.  It’s also good because the closer your fat reserves are to your heart, the more likely you are to develop heart disease.  (

