The U.N.-sponsored climate summit is facing intense pressure to deliver meaningful change, something that many say is unlikely to happen. Mark Phillips has more from Glasgow ahead of the summit. Source
Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive
Future of adult daycare center in doubt due to COVID pandemic and founder’s death
It’s estimated that by 2023, half a million kids with autism will reach adulthood, which puts a strain on working parents, increasing the demand for adult daycares. But one center in Virginia is facing closure due to the COVID pandemic and the death of its founder from sickle cell anemia. Debra Alfarone has more. Source
An update on the Facebook whistleblower
Since Scott Pelley’s interview with Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen earlier this month, more than 18 news organizations have joined in examining the tens of thousands of pages of internal research Haugen took when she left Facebook. Source
Why a nonprofit architecture firm is staffing-up with filmmakers
MASS Design and a team of nine in-house filmmakers want to change how society thinks about architecture and the building process. Source
The MASS model of community-focused architecture
A project in Rwanda convinced a group of Harvard-trained architects to rethink their building methods, material and labor sources, and the end-use of their buildings. Source
Yuval Noah Harari on the future of the human race
The bestselling author and historian offers his predictions on how technology will alter the evolution of humans and change society. Source
How Daniel Ortega tightened his grip on power in Nicaragua
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has had his political opponents beaten and thrown in jail and passed legislation making criticism of the government a form of treason. Sharyn Alfonsi reports on the loss of democracy in Nicaragua. Source
Yuval Noah Harari: The 2021 60 Minutes interview
The bestselling author and historian offers his predictions on how technology will alter the evolution of humans and change society. Anderson Cooper reports. Source
A new model of architecture with communities in mind
A project in Rwanda convinced a group of Harvard-trained architects to rethink their building methods, material and labor sources, and the end-use of their buildings. Lesley Stahl reports. Source
How Daniel Ortega tossed democracy aside to maintain power in Nicaragua
Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega has had his political opponents beaten and thrown in jail and passed legislation making criticism of the government a form of treason. Sharyn Alfonsi reports on the loss of democracy in Nicaragua. Source