Thursday, September 19, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Flying cars are finally taking off

After decades of promises, flying cars are becoming real. Richard Schlesinger looks at vehicles that will soon be hitting the road (or rather, hovering a couple thousand feet above), which look more like helicopters than what “The Jetsons” promised. Source


Drive-time radio

From pop hits to preachers, and pretty much everything in-between, the car radio has been part of our lives for almost 100 years. Nancy Giles talks with a familiar radio voice, Bruce Morrow – “Cousin Brucie” – and radio historian Donna Halper about the evolution of entertainment on the road. Source


In the slow lane with Jay Leno

The comedian and car enthusiast takes a vintage Ford Model T out for a spin in Washington, D.C., where gentle political humor these days seems similarly antiquated Source


Jessica Yellin on “The Takeout”

Former CNN White House correspondent Jessica Yellin joins Major Garrett to talk about her live news show on Instagram and her novel, “Savage News,” on this week’s episode of “The Takeout.” Source
