When the AIDS crisis hit in the 1980s, Ruth Coker Burks – who’d inherited a family cemetery in Hot Springs, Arkansas – became a mother of sorts to countless sons, many abandoned by families and churches because they suffering from what was called the “gay cancer” Source
Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive
Nature: Bear vs. fish
“Sunday Morning” takes you to Taylor Creek in the Lake Tahoe Basin, where bears are fishing. Videographer: Derek Reich. Source
Top Republican wants extra witnesses at Judiciary impeachment hearing
The White House is unlikely to send legal representation to the first impeachment hearing by the Judiciary Committee Source
Almanac: The 1969 draft lottery
As the war in Vietnam raged on and anger about U.S. involvement burned in protests across the country, a lottery was held on December 1, 1969 in order to address perceived inequities in military conscription. Lee Cowan reports. Source
Anthony Hopkins and Jonathan Pryce on playing “The Two Popes”
A new film imagines conversations between Pope Benedict and his successor, Pope Francis – pontiffs who disagreed on most everything Source
Preparing the next generation of GPS
Originally developed by the U.S. military, the Global Positioning System – now vital to nearly every facet of modern life – is being upgraded to GPS III, whose satellites will be better protected from cyber threats and signal jamming Source
Alec’s mission
You may know Shriners Hospitals for Children because of one very special patient: 17-year-old Alec Cabacungan, who was brought to Shriners because of a rare genetic disorder called Osteogenesis Imperfecta (or brittle bone disease), and who for the past five years has helped spread their mission as the charitable organization’s leading spokeskid. Lee Cowan talked with Cabacungan, who describes his challenges and aspirations, and who makes it all look so easy, while none of it really is. Source
A model family
Bart and Jessica Baldwin and their five children are an uncommon site in advertisements, catalogs and fashion shoots: a family of models Source
Faith Salie on the cheeky putdown “OK, Boomer”
For young people who have inherited from oldsters a world full of rising waters, disappearing species, crippling debt and crumbling democracies, an irreverent retaliatory phrase is more than warranted Source
David Rubenstein on the importance of American history
“We don’t really educate Americans as much about history as we should. We don’t teach history as much as we used to,” Rubenstein said. Source