Saturday, September 28, 2024
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Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Judge finds Johnson & Johnson guilty in Oklahoma opioid case, calls for $527 million payment

In a landmark ruling on Monday, an Oklahoma judge found Johnson and Johnson guilty of helping to fuel the state’s opioid crisis. The company was ordered to pay over $500 million to help address the drug epidemic in Oklahoma. It’s the first major pharmaceutical company being held accountable for its role in the widespread use of prescription painkillers and could set a precedent for upcoming opioid trials throughout the country. CBS News correspondent Omar Villafranca joined CBSN with the details from Norman, Oklahoma. Source


MTV Video Music Awards hosted in New Jersey and was met by protesters

Newark, New Jersey, became the music capital of the world when it hosted the 2019 MTV Video Music Awards where Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande and Lil Nas took home statues. But also making a mark were protesters who tried putting a national spotlight on the city’s ongoing water crisis. CBSN New York’s Ali Bauman reports. Source


8/26: CBS Evening News

Johnson & Johnson ordered to pay Oklahoma $572 million for fueling opioid crisis; Tennis trailblazer Althea Gibson honored on first day of U.S. Open. Source


CBS News poll: Americans split on the future of the economy

President Trump has made economic success a focal point of his reelection campaign. But is that a winning strategy? CBS News director of elections and surveys Anthony Salvanto joins CBSN’s “Red and Blue” to discuss the latest CBS News poll on the economy. Source
