Sunday, September 22, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

CBS News documentary in Spanish: “Rostros de Separación Familiar”

El corresponsal de CBS News Manuel Bojórquez les contará las historias y retos, sumamente personales, de aquellos que quisieron entrar al país después de que la administración del Presidente Donald Trump dio inicio a una serie de políticas para reducir el número de cruces ilegales de la frontera. Esta presentación especial, completamente en español, es para nuestros televidentes latinos. Source


10/18: CBS Evening News

Hillary Clinton calls Tulsi Gabbard a “favorite of the Russians”; Football player surprises his step-dad with a new jersey. Source


Suicide attempts among black teens increase at alarming rates

Deaths by suicide have increased among young people in recent years, according to new data released by the Centers for Disease Control. But a different study published this week in the journal Pediatrics shows suicide attempts are specifically increasing among black teens, despite decreasing among all other racial groups. Lead researcher of the study Michael A. Lindsey, PhD, joined CBSN to discuss his findings. Source
