Sunday, September 22, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

CBS News remembers Chris Raine and Chris Myers

CBS News is grieving, after the loss of two of our colleagues: Chris Raine and Chris Myers. Raine was an editor in our London bureau since the 1980s. He died at the age of 62 after a long fight with cancer. Myers was the deputy chief of our Los Angeles bureau. A veteran journalist, he enjoyed working with students and wanted to teach the next generation how to be responsible journalists. His giving continues. Eight lives have been saved as a result of his decision to be an organ donor. Source


CBS News documentary in Spanish: “Rostros de Separación Familiar”

El corresponsal de CBS News Manuel Bojórquez les contará las historias y retos, sumamente personales, de aquellos que quisieron entrar al país después de que la administración del Presidente Donald Trump dio inicio a una serie de políticas para reducir el número de cruces ilegales de la frontera. Esta presentación especial, completamente en español, es para nuestros televidentes latinos. Source
