Saturday, September 21, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Diet and brain health: You are what you eat?

A key element in brain health is nutrition, say researchers who believe the number one factor that you have control over in terms of your mental health is at the end of your fork. Susan Spencer talks with Dr. Drew Ramsey, a psychiatrist who in his book “Eat Complete” prescribes a healthier diet in order to combat depression; Samantha Elkrief, a trained chef and wellness coach; and neuroscientist Lisa Mosconi (author of “Brain Food”), for whom brain scans reveal the differences in brain structure between those who eat a Mediterranean diet and those who consume standard Western fare. Source


Tough guy Danny Trejo’s food empires

Grizzled character actor Danny Trejo has a soft spot for food as an award-winning restaurateur. Luke Burbank reports on Trejo’s taco and donut shops, which have sprouted up on the same Los Angeles streets where Trejo, as a youth, once found himself on the wrong side of the law. Source


Tupperware: Put a lid on it

Successfully marketed at parties by armies of entrepreneurial women, the “burping” plastic bowls popularized after World War II are being forced to redefine themselves in a new era, even via pop-up retail stores. Martha Teichner attends a Tupperware party to learn about the kitchenware’s enduring popularity. Source


Food halls: A world of flavors under one roof

When Americans actually left their houses to shop, food courts would sate their appetites at shopping malls. But now, with brick-and-mortar retail stores closing, food halls, offering a wide variety of ethnic cuisines and dining choices, have become destinations in themselves, with hundreds opening up around the country. Faith Salie looks at the changing face of dining, as former industrial spaces, a shuttered race track, and even shipping containers are being refitted into food stalls. Source
