Saturday, September 21, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Trump trades tense exchanges with NATO allies

President Trump is clashing with other western leaders at a NATO summit in London. He took jabs at Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Tuesday and argued with French President Emmanuel Macron over Syria. Paula Reid reports. Source


Gerhardt says if this isn’t impeachable, nothing is

Michael Gerhardt of the University of North Carolina Law School testified in front of the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday that if Congress does not punish President Trump for his actions the power of the Constitution will erode. “I want to stress that if what we’re talking about is not impeachable, then nothing is impeachable,” Gerhardt said. “… If Congress concludes that they’re going to give a pass to the president here … every other president will say, ‘OK, then I can do the same thing.’ The boundaries will just evaporate, and those boundaries are set up by the Constitution. We may be witnessing, unfortunately, their erosion. And that is a danger to all of us.” Source


3 constitutional law experts agree that Trump committed an impeachable offense

Three of the constitutional law experts called before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday testified that they agree that “abuse of power” is an impeachable offense and that President Trump committed such an offense. Democratic counsel Norm Eisen asked the legal scholars called by House Democrats: “Did President Trump commit the impeachable high crime and misdemeanor of abuse of power?” Noah Feldman, Pamela Karlan and Michael Gerhardt all agreed that Mr. Trump is guilty of abuse of power. “We three are unanimous,” Gerhardt said. Source


Day 6, Part 4: Pamela Karlan’s opening statement

Pamela Karlan, the Kenneth and Harle Montgomery professor of public interest law and co-director of the Supreme Court Litigation Clinic at Stanford Law School, said Wednesday that President Trump’s actions aided Russia, which interfered in the 2016 election. Karlan said Mr. Trump’s behavior “shows a president who delayed meeting a foreign leader and providing assistance that Congress and his own advisers agreed served our national interest in promoting democracy and limiting Russian aggression.” Watch her opening statement in the impeachment inquiry. Source
