Senator Elizabeth Warren is the last of the major 2020 Democratic presidential contenders to endorse Joe Biden. CBSN political reporter Caitlin Huey-Burns joined CBSN to discuss the impact. Source
Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive
Many small businesses say Paycheck program is deeply flawed
Millions of smaller employers may not benefit from the government’s flagship loan program — here’s why. Source
Contact tracing for coronavirus: How it works and why it’s difficult
The labor-intensive process has long been used to contain epidemics, but coronavirus poses unique challenges. Source
CDC director calls WHO “a great partner” after Trump cuts funding
President Donald Trump accused WHO of making mistakes that worsened the global spread of coronavirus, as he announced funding would be cut. Source
Many small businesses say Paycheck loan program is deeply flawed
Millions of smaller employers may not benefit from the government’s flagship loan program — here’s why. Source
Why Generation Z could be most impacted by the coronavirus
Generation Z, roughly 90 million Americans born after 1997, might feel the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic more than others. Axios reporter Stef Kight spoke with several experts for her latest piece and joins CBSN’s Reena Ninan for a closer look. Source
New York to require masks or face coverings in public
The order may eventually come with civil penalties for violations Source
Wynton Marsalis on the legacy of his dad, jazz legend Ellis Marsalis
Ellis Marsalis Jr. died earlier this month from complications of coronavirus. Source
Lives to Remember: Reverend Dick Ottaway
Reverend Richard “Dick” Ottaway, a retired Episcopal minister, passed away from COVID-19 at 88 years old. Ottaway was a renaissance man, whose Cape Cod home was always “open to everyone,” his family said. Anthony Mason tells his story. Source
U.S. retail sales plummeted as the nation entered a lockdown
Major clothing stores like J.C. Penney and Neiman Marcus are hurting as customers stay at home during the pandemic. Source