Friday, September 20, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

The future of fishing may be more diverse

“As Americans expand their palates, many are beginning to discover new kinds of fish to eat. The trend is beneficial in more ways than one. New tastes may mean new ways to keep fisheries stocked, and be the best way to support local fishermen. At the forefront of this movement is a team of anglers and chefs in Charleston, South Carolina. Jeff Glor reports. ” Source


Seven dead in Hawaii helicopter tour crash

The National Transportation Safety Board is sending a team to the Hawaiian island of Kauai to look for answers in connection with the deadly crash of a sightseeing helicopter. The remains of six of the seven people on board the helicopter have been found. Search teams will be back at it at first light on Saturday. Jamie Yuccas reports. Source


Impeachment remains in limbo after the holidays

When the Senate returns in January, one of the first orders of business will be impeachment. The trial remains in limbo, however, as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi waits to send the articles of impeachment to the Senate. National correspondent Chip Reid reports on why she has delayed that next step. Source


New video shows fellow SEALs disparage Edward Gallagher

In newly-leaked videos obtained by The New York Times, fellow SEALs describe Edward Gallagher in blunt terms. Gallagher was acquitted of murdering an ISIS founder, but he was found guilty of posing with the dead militant. His case gained national attention after President Trump restored his rank and prevented any further punishment. David Martin reports on the SEALs’ accusations. Source


The ways tech led us astray in 2019

The past decade saw technology used to undermine democracy and spread misinformation. New York Times technology and economics reporter Steve Lohr talks about the milestones and misteps of techology, and what we can expect over the next ten years. Source
