Universities ready for fall amid coronavirus; Then, uncovering the Greenwood Massacre, nearly a century later; And, the case backlog mounts for a federal appeals board Source
Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive
Black Lives Matter street mural unveiled in New York City
Big bold yellow letters form the words “Black Lives Matter” along Fulton Street in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn. Source
Journalist Maria Ressa convicted of “cyber libel” in Philippines
Ressa and Santos were hit with prison sentences of six months and one day to up to six years but can remain free on bail while they appeal the verdict. Source
Journalist Maria Ressa found guilty of “cyber libel”
Ressa and Santos were hit with prison sentences of six months and one day to up to six years but can remain free on bail while they appeal the verdict. Source
At least 7 Minneapolis cops have quit since George Floyd’s death
Officials didn’t specify if the departures are specifically due to Floyd’s death, but the decisions to leave were made recently. Source
CBS Weekend News, June 14, 2020
Tensions rise as Atlanta braces for more protests following the death of Rayshard Brooks; Black flight attendant and white airline CEO share emotional conversation. Source
Texas sees its highest number of COVID-19 hospitalizations so far
The spike in cases comes as the state continues to move forward with its plan to reopen. Source
Universities get set for class with coronavirus in mind
Administrators at U.S. universities are making plans for an uncertain fall, as students come to campus with COVID-19 still present. Source
What fall sports might look like across NCAA campuses
60 Minutes Overtime reports on the outstanding questions facing college athletics during the COVD-19 pandemic. Source
How Tulsa’s Greenwood massacre echoes today
Almost a century after a White mob destroyed the Black section of town, Tulsa’s racial divide persists. Source