Friday, September 20, 2024
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Local Matters: Biden holds sizable lead in South Carolina poll

We’re less than six weeks away from the South Carolina Democratic primary, the fourth nominating contest in the 2020 election cycle. J.R. Berry, an anchor for CBS’ Columbia, South Carolina affilliate WLTX, spoke to CBSN’s “Red & Blue” about the state of the race in South Carolina. Source


Senate to begin impeachment trial amid new information from Lev Parnas

The Senate impeachment trial of President Trump is set to begin next week. CBS News chief legal correspondent Jan Crawford, CBS News White House correspondent Paula Reid, and Los Angeles Times congressional reporter Jennifer Haberkorn spoke to CBSN’s “Red & Blue” about how new documents from Rudy Giuliani associate Lev Parnas could impact the trial. Source


Virginia just approved the Equal Rights Amendment. Now what?

Virginia became the 38th state to vote in favor of the Equal Rights Amendment, meeting the threshold necessary to make it part of the U.S. Constitution. However, the ERA could still face significant legal and legislative challenges. Julie Suk, a professor at the City University of New York, joined “Red & Blue” to explain what comes next. Source
