“Horrible Bosses 2,” the sequel of the popular 2011 comedy, stars the same lead actors from the original: Jason Bateman, Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis. Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Spacey and Jamie Foxx also reprise their roles, with Christoph Waltz and Chris Pine joining the cast. The film will be released in theaters on Nov. 26. Suzanne Marques reports. Source
Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive
Bill Cosby’s lawyer slams women’s rape claims and media coverage
Cosby’s lawyer blasted what he called “people coming out of the woodwork, with unsubstantiated or fabricated stories about my client.” Cosby refuses to comment on any of the allegations. Gayle King reports. Source
Baby dances to her first birthday card
Nick Dietz compiles some of the week’s best viral videos, including kitten stress therapy, how to pronounce “Worcestershire sauce,” and a tiny hamster Thanksgiving. Plus, a baby gets a musical birthday card and can’t stop dancing to the card’s catchy tune. To see these videos in their entirety, click HERE. Source
Stars step out for “Horrible Bosses 2”
Jason Bateman, Charlie Day and Jason Sudeikis return for the sequel to their 2011 hit comedy in “Horrible Bosses 2.” Also, fans are getting their first look at “Pitch Perfect 2.” Suzanne Marques reports on the day’s top entertainment stories. Source
Tom Hanks: Being an actor was a solitary pursuit
Hanks reflects on how he became and actor and the journey the led him to where he is today. Source
Tom Hanks: “I was not intimidated by being the new kid”
Hanks shares about his childhood and how often he moved with his family. He reflects on his relationship with his parents and how it impacted him. Source
11/20: Obama defying GOP, reforming immigration; remembering Mike Nichols
President Obama is outlining his plan to reform immigration, despite warnings from congressional Republicans; in his lifetime, the director won nine Tony’s, eight Emmy’s, one Oscar and one Grammy — one of only twelve people who have won each at least once. Source
Snow continues to bury Buffalo, NY
At least ten deaths are linked to a historic storm that has pounded upstate New York. Major roads are still closed with more than 100 cars stuck. Jericka Duncan reports. Source
Personal webcams are being hacked
Russian hackers are broadcasting pictures from tens of thousands of private web cameras, peering into the lives of unsuspecting victims across the globe. Charlie D’Agata reports on this latest intrusion into people’s privacy. Source
Remembering Mike Nichols
In his lifetime, the director won nine Tony’s, eight Emmy’s, one Oscar and one Grammy — one of only twelve people who have won each at least once. Nichols died Wednesday of cardiac arrest. He was 83. Jim Axelrod reports. Source