Friday, February 28, 2025
Happening Now

Author Archives: Stonecom Interactive

Oldest surviving photo of a U.S. president goes to auction

Having your picture taken is part of the job of being the president. Now, we’re getting a look at a rare picture of President John Quincy Adams and what’s believed to be the oldest surviving photograph of an American president. Anthony Mason reports. Source


How does MoviePass work and will it stick around?

MoviePass is promising a month’s worth of movie tickets – for about the cost of a single admission. Senior film and news editor for Variety, Brent Lang, joins “CBS This Morning: Saturday” to discuss how the pass works and what this could mean for the consumer, the company and the theater industry. Source


How to prepare kids for the solar eclipse

The director of Twin Oaks Day Camp in New York is taking precautions to protect her campers’ eyes during next week’s solar eclipse. CBS News’ Kenneth Craig has more on what kids need to know and do to enjoy the rare sight safely. Source


Naked crane climber tumbles to his death

A driver who led police on a wild pursuit on California’s 110 Freeway to the Port of Los Angeles is dead. The man climbed a crane and stripped naked before jumping, or falling, 160 feet to his death. KCBS’s Tom Wait reports. Source


“iGen” author on why today’s kids are developing more slowly

A new book is detailing the dramatic effects digital devices can have on today’s youth. Author and psychologist Jean Twenge wrote the book “iGen” on why today’s super-connected kids are growing up less prepared for adulthood. Twenge joins “CBS This Morning” to discuss the behaviors that indicate kids are maturing more slowly and why, after her own research, she took her kids’ tablets and stuck them in a drawer. Source


Charleston pastor on Charlottesville violence: “Aspire to forgive”

Charleston’s Emanuel AME Church, its parishioners, and its community know heartache, but they also know how to forgive. In 2015, the church was attacked by white supremacist Dylann Roof who killed nine people. Following the Charlottesville protests, the congregation is praying and showing support for the latest victims of race-inspired violence. Chip Reid reports. Source
