Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

A Woman Survived Being Hit by a Car Thanks to Her 38JJ Breasts

Is there anything enormous breasts can’t do?

boob 228-year-old Sarah Foster of West Yorkshire, England was standing by the side of the road last year, when someone lost control of their Mini Cooper and slammed into her.

But she survived . . . all thanks to her gargantuan breast. Sarah is a 38-double J. So they took the brunt of the impact when they hit the windshield of the car, AND cushioned her fall when she rolled off the hood onto the road.

She says, quote, “My boobs hit the [windshield] so hard it smashed. The doctors told me if I wasn’t so big-chested I’d probably have died. The paramedic who treated me told me I should be grateful for my ‘airbags.'”

Sarah was actually considering having a breast reduction right before the accident because she was having back pain . . . but now it looks like she’ll be keeping them.

Her story just came out because she got a $7,800 insurance settlement.
