Friday, May 3, 2024
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: There’s Secret Body Language to Always Get What You Want . . . The Kindly Brontosaurus

We’re going to tell you about a secret body language technique today that you can use to get whatever you want, whenever you want it. So don’t tell anyone else, okay? Here’s how it works . . .

Approach the person you’re asking for a favor . . . like, say, the airline employee at the desk. Give your name, and make your request. If they say no, smile and say, “Well, I’m sure we can find a way to work things out.”

Then stand off to the side in their peripheral vision . . . lean forward a little . . . clasp your hands in front of your stomach . . . smile . . . and never stop looking at their face.

Don’t speak unless they ask you a question. Nod enthusiastically whenever the person says something to someone else.

Eventually, they’ll help you because you look nice, friendly, respectful, non-threatening . . . but also really annoying and a little creepy.

A body language expert nicknamed the pose “kindly brontosaurus” . . . because you’re kind of craning your neck and holding your arms like a brontosaurus.

kindly brontosaurus pose
