“GQ” asked a bunch of women what the sexiest body parts on a man are. But they only apply if you’re in shape, broseph. Sorry. Here’s the top eight . . .
1. Strong arms. 24% of women said it’s the sexiest body part. Not huge biceps though, just well-toned.
2. Shoulders, 19%. Meaning broad and muscular.
3. A muscular back, 18%. Although they didn’t ask how hairy it can be.
4. A V-cut, 15%. Meaning the muscles at the bottom of your abs that point down to your crotch. Unless you’re an Olympic swimmer, you probably don’t have them.
5. A six-pack, 9%. So if you combine that with the V-cut, it would tie for first place.
6. A well-toned butt, 7%.
7. Muscular legs, 5%.
8. A strong chest, 2%. Which seems way low. Women really don’t care about a guy’s pecs?