Remember the old days? When everyone was polite, there were only three TV channels, and families actually talked during dinner instead of just staring at their cell phones?
A new survey asked people to name things that aren’t as good as they used to be. And people had no problem rattling off a massive list. Here’s the top 15:
#1.) Manners and politeness.
#2.) The weather.
#3.) Bars.
#4.) Schools.
#5.) TV.
#6.) Public transportation.
#7.) Banks.
#8.) Children.
#9.) Music.
#10.) Doctors.
#11.) The police. (The actual police, not the band.)
#12.) Hollywood movies.
#13.) Politicians.
#14.) Sports.
#15.) Sex.
So, is anything actually better than it used to be?
Only four things got positive rankings in this survey: Restaurants . . . cars . . . vacations . . . and fashion.