A survey by Vicks, the vapor-rub people, found that your mom may not be the best source of medical advice when you’re sick. Here are five myths that many moms believe, even though they’re false:
#1.) Cover your head, because that’s where you lose most of your body heat: 85% of moms believe it, but it just feels that way because your face is sensitive to heat.
#2.) Get plenty of rest, and do not exercise when you’re sick: 72% believe it. While you need to get your rest, exercise can actually make you feel better.
#3.) Cover your mouth with your hand when you sneeze: 49% of moms believe it, but then your hands are covered with germs. Instead, cough into your elbow.
#4.) “Starve a cold and feed a fever.” Or is it “feed a cold and starve a fever?” Actually, neither. You should always eat well and be hydrated, but 40% believe the myth.
#5.) If you go outside with wet hair, you’ll get sick: 38% of moms think so. Wet hair doesn’t expose you to any more viruses than dry, but it will make you colder.