Friday, March 14, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: What Would You Do For Money?

A new survey of 1,000 people conducted by asked respondents if they would commit questionable acts for money. Here are some of the results:
– 12% of men said they would be willing to commit murder for $1 billion.

– One in ten would be willing to commit arson, treason, armed robbery, mug someone with a weapon or even assist a suicide for $1 billion.

– For $1,000, 15% of people were willing to shoplift or bet on a fixed sporting event.

– For $1,000, 13 of the 1,000 respondents would murder somebody.

– One in five are willing to steal a street sign, shoplift or flash a stranger for $10,000.

– One in ten are willing to lie under oath, steal a bike or knowingly spend counterfeit cash for $10,000.

– For $100,000, 25% of people would swipe a street sign, forge a signature or steal from a restaurant or hotel.

– For $100,000, one in ten say they would enter into a sham marriage, perform a sexual act on a stranger, evade taxes or snatch a purse.

– For a million bucks, one in ten Americans would commit credit card fraud, punch a stranger in the face, smuggle drugs over the border or even star in an amateur porn video.

– For $100,000,000, one in ten would kick a kitten or puppy, take performance enhancing drugs to win a sporting event or beat up a stranger. Fifteen percent of people surveyed would even be willing to fake their death for that amount of cash.

– For $1,000, only six percent were willing to pose nude for a magazine, but by the time the price reached one billion, 22% were up for the task.

– Men were much more likely to be swayed by money into doing questionable things. For example, men were nearly three times more likely than women to perform a sex act on a stranger for $1 million or $1 billion, nearly four times as willing to commit murder for the top price and four times as likely to kick a kitten or puppy.

– 15% of Americans would betray a friend for money.

– Shoplifting was considered the lightest crime.

– Murder was voted by far the worst act one could commit, followed by poisoning someone’s pet, treason, framing someone for murder and arson.
