This is a question that’s way harder to answer than it should be.
Who’s a more important member of your family: Your pet, or your mother-in-law?
Believe it or not, in a new survey, the family pet won!! 22% of people say their dog or cat is a crucial part of the family . . . versus 21% who said their in-laws are.
Grandparents did beat out pets . . . but not by much. 26% said grandma and grandpa are a key part of the family.
The research commissioned by Matalan for its Made for Modern Families campaign also found that the ‘Brady Bunch’ or ‘blended’ household where children had multi-parental figures was also on the rise.
More than one in 10 families now live in ‘blended’ families as more people with children divorce, remarry other parents and their households merge.