Sunday, May 19, 2024
Happening Now

43% of Americans Want to Limit the Number of Times You Can Get Divorced

Should there be a law that says you can only get divorced a certain number of times?  Well, almost half of Americans say YES.

According to a new poll, 43% of us think we should limit the number of times people can get divorced.  It didn’t ask what the limit should be.

But it did ask when it’s okay to leave someone without trying to work things out first.  66% of people said it’s okay if there’s abuse going on, and 50% said it’s okay if the other person is struggling with drugs or alcohol.

But for everything else . . . including cheating, gambling addiction, and religious differences . . . the majority of Americans say you should try to work things out before divorce becomes an option.

My question is should we limit the number of times you can get married?

