Sunday, March 16, 2025
Happening Now

Dailey Bailey: Eight Weird Things Guys Do Without Realizing It

Guys you’re about to learn that you’ve been doing a few weird things your entire life . . . and you had no idea.

There’s a discussion right now on where women are sharing the weird things guys do without even realizing they’re weird.  Here are the eight best ones . . .


1.  Going months without washing or changing their sheets.

2.  Slapping their pockets to make sure their phone and wallet are in there.

3.  Spending a really long time in the bathroom on the toilet.

4.  Turning down the radio when they get lost . . . like somehow THAT’s the reason.

5.  Keeping large amounts of change scattered around their room.

6.  Putting their hand down their pants when they watch TV.

7.  Lowering their voice when they talk on the phone, especially to another guy.

8.  Denying they fell asleep when they’re randomly caught napping.

